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Judge Stays Biden Freeze on LNF Export Permits

Joe Biden has lost yet another case in his crusade to crush the fossil fuel industry and red-state economies.

The Biden administration had put a freeze on export permits for liquid natural gas.

A judge in Louisiana just issued a stay on that rule while this continues to be litigated.

Sorry, Joe

The suit, which is being led by Texas and Louisiana, represents a total of 16 states.

The suit claims Biden’s policies are unconstitutional.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton took a victory lap after the decision was announced.

He stated, "This ruling means Biden's illegal ban does not prevent Texas natural gas from reaching market while the lawsuit continues.

"While I continue fighting for Texans against the Biden Administration, producers can take their natural gas to market instead of flaring it.

“This will protect Texas jobs and keep our critical energy industry running."

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX) added, "People get anxious here on the Gulf Coast when the president starts – I'll say monkeying — with permits for energy. Leave it alone. Let free enterprise run its course.”

Liberals are already whining about this, with David Bookbinder, director of law and policy for the Environmental Integrity Project, stating, "Already, we're dealing with an appellate court that is notoriously conservative.

“It doesn't like environmental protections, and I think it's going to leap at the chance to trim DOE authority and will probably uphold this judge."

Maybe, just maybe, it is not the court but the fact that Biden is overstepping his bounds with all these EOs and regulatory rules.

Biden has been doing everything he can to crush the economy of red states, many of which rely on energy to feed their local economies.

For its part, Texas had led the pushback, and is often joined quickly by other states facing the same challenges.

Say what you want about AG Paxton, but the man is a ferocious fighter who has been a thorn in Joe Biden's side since day one.

October 2, 2024
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