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Pelosi Finally Admits Joe Biden Mental Health a ‘Legitimate’ Concern

Begrudgingly, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is finally admitting that there are some problems with Joe Biden in terms of getting him elected.

In typical Pelosi fashion, however, she had to take some shots at Trump in the process.

Even so, there is finally a crack in Pelosi’s stance, as she is at least willing to entertain the idea that Joe may not be as “sharp and focused” as the Democrat Party would like us all to believe.


It was only a few days ago that Pelosi tried to say that people should be concerned about Donald Trump having dementia.

She stated,"My people are very much Biden-Kamala Harris and this is an opportunity for Joe Biden to go out there and show he has the stamina.

“And by the way, while the press and for some reason they don‘t - there are health care professionals who think that Trump has dementia, that his connection, his thoughts do not go together.

“Not only that he just lies, he doesn‘t even know the truth, so if we‘re just talking about mental acuity, let’s be fair about it."

Well, if lies are a measuring stick, I think Joe has Trump beaten, but I digress.

About 48 hours later, Pelosi’s tune had changed a bit, having stated, “You asked me to speak from my experience.

“My experience with Joe Biden is in all the legislation that we passed to save the country with the rescue package, money in people’s pockets, shots in their arm, children in school, people back to work, with the child tax credit, the infrastructure bill, rebuilding the infrastructure of America in a universal way where people can participate in those decisions.

“The Chips and Science Act to make us self-sufficient world, The PACT Act to honor our veterans and help those affected by burn pits, the list goes on.

“We have all these things that he was masterful in helping to write and to pass. He has a vision. He has knowledge. He has judgment. He has strategic thinking and the rest. He had a bad night.

“Again, I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition? When people ask that question, it’s legitimate, of both candidates.”

See how she had to make it about Trump as well, even though nobody is even mentioning Trump's health problems, especially in terms of mental health, at least nobody without an agenda.

Dems have always used Trump’s brashness to attack him on this front, but that is just Trump.

He is not freezing, shaking hands with ghosts, or staring blankly into the camera, and he surely is not reducing his schedule to squeeze in more naps.

Just admit it, Nancy… your party has been lying to the American people, and you have no way to get out of this without having egg all over your face.

October 2, 2024
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