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Leftist Publication Lands Knockout Punch Against Biden

As I am sure most of you know by now, Biden's calls to step down are growing, even among left-leaning publications.

I have seen some pretty good arguments for Biden to step down, and a few gut shots for Biden.

At the top of that list is the withdrawal speech written by The Washington Post and a picture of a presidential walker by The Economist.

Gut Shot

Among the mainstream media outlets calling for Biden to step down are papers that have been telling the American people that everything is fine for the last three years.

The New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, among others, have editorials explaining why Biden should step down.

The Economist, however, took things to another level with a photo on its post accompanying the article.

The photo was a walker with the presidential seal, proclaiming, “No Way to Run a Country.”

Economist and podcaster Kip Herriage was beside himself after the post went out, responding, "The Economist is a 100% Globalist, State-run publication. When the Economist turns on one of their own, it’s OVER."

In the article itself, its editorial board wrote, "It was agony to watch a befuddled old man struggling to recall words and facts. His inability to land an argument against a weak opponent was dispiriting.

“But the operation by his campaign to deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes is more toxic than either, because its dishonesty provokes contempt.

"Democrats argue, rightly, that Mr Trump is unfit to be president. But the debate and its aftermath have proved Mr Biden unfit, too.

“First, because of his mental decline. Mr Biden can still appear dynamic during short, scripted appearances. But you cannot run a superpower by autocue. And you cannot put an international crisis on hold because the president is having a bad night.

"Should someone who cannot finish a sentence about Medicare be trusted with the nuclear codes?"

Let me stress again… this has been before our eyes for years now, as Biden started to go downhill almost as soon as he took office, yet they all make it appear as though this is a new issue for Biden.

Had they covered Biden instead of covering for Biden, he never would have been able to announce and probably would have already been squeezed out of office.

Now, the party that rides the narrative that the GOP is a danger to democracy is trying to push out an elected candidate to have the electors choose the nominee rather than the American people.

There is nothing more un-American or un-democratic than that.

October 2, 2024
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