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Wife of Never-Trumper Author Indicted as Foreign Agent

There is a report that has been blowing up over the last few days regarding the arrest of a former CIA analyst.

The person in question, Sue Mi Terry, was allegedly accepting expensive gifts from the South Korean government for access to her government contacts.

It gets even more interesting because she is married to one of the most notorious Never-Trump members of the media, Max Boot.

Well, Well, Well…

Terry’s defense sounds a lot like that of Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) in that she is claiming the “gifts” are being misrepresented.

According to the report, her handlers were taking her on extravagant shopping trips, spending thousands on items, for her cooperation.

The New York Times reported, “In Ms. Terry’s case, prosecutors say she began operating as a foreign agent in 2013, five years after leaving the C.I.A.

“She was first contacted by an intelligence officer posing as a diplomat for the Korean mission to the United Nations in New York City, the indictment said, and in return for her work over the next decade, Ms. Terry received handbags, clothing and at least $37,000 in covert payments to the think tank where she was employed at the time.

“’Despite engaging in extensive activities for and at the direction of’ the South Korean government, Ms. Terry did not register as a foreign agent with American officials, as required by law, prosecutors said.

“She faces two counts, one for failing to register under the federal Foreign Agents Registration Act, and the other for conspiring to violate it.”

Now, as I mentioned above, her husband is Max Boot, who has been known to make some posts and write articles about how harmful Donald Trump is to this country on the world stage.

For instance, he once posted, “During a recent trip to both Japan and South Korea, we found considerable anxiety in both countries about the prospect of another Trump term.

“The nervousness is particularly palpable in Korea, because Japan had more success in managing Trump.”

So, I cannot help but think that post was influenced by his wife’s new business venture.

Yet another spy being outed during the Biden administration… just how much danger has this man put this country in during his time in office?

How many of our nation’s secrets have already been exposed to our enemies?

Just some food for thought for those who are still considering voting for Joe Biden.

October 2, 2024
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