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Pelosi's top aides were warned about Capitol breach on January 5

For a while now, we've known that everything we've been told about the January 6 riots may not have been exactly as they seem.

Sure, this day NEVER should have happened, and the conservatives who participated in them are not heroes, they are criminals. However, that doesn't mean that America's liberals didn't have a HUGE part in allowing this to happen, and we're even seeing proof now that maybe they wanted it to happen in order to make Trump's fans all look like lunatics.

A short while ago, a video came out of Nancy Pelosi being whisked away from the Capitol on that day.

In the video, she's clearly admitting that the security failures were her fault.

Now, a report has come out about Pelosi's office that makes this situation ten times worse for her.

According to, memos show that "Pelosi's top security aides got warning about Capitol breach night before Jan. 6 riot."

Knowing what we know now, it sure puts a different lens over Nancy Pelosi saying that liberals "did not have any accountability for what was going on there, and we should have. .. I take responsibility for not having them just prepare for more."

It was her responsibility because she KNEW that the riot was coming the night before!

It's hard to tell exactly how calculated this was on Nancy Pelosi's part, but I wouldn't put anything past the left these days when it comes to crimes and dishonesty.

Did Nancy Pelosi not engage security because she was simply lazy and unprepared? Or did Nancy Pelosi ignore warnings and not engage security in time because she wanted to portray all Republican voters to be the type of people to commit damage on federal property?

It may be quite some time before all of the details come out. Until then though, something doesn't smell quite right about this whole situation.

I'm not excusing Republicans for what happened on January 6. What I am saying is that Nancy Pelosi and other liberals might have had a bigger hand in things playing out the way they did than we initially realized.

If you are interested in learning more about the facts of this story, please consider clicking on the original source link here.

October 2, 2024
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