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Congress Passes Legislation Requiring Government To Purchase U.S. Flags Made In The USA

Congress passed the All-American Flag Act, a bipartisan act introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Sherrod Brown (D-OH), which will require the federal government only to purchase flags 100% made in the USA.

The House of Representatives approved the measure which has been sitting in limbo for months now after passing the Senate in November 2023. 

Now it will head to President Biden's desk for certification and once he signs it U.S. federal agencies can only purchase U.S. flags made domestically in the United States of America instead of importing them from China.

The measure reads, "Except as provided in subsections (b) through (d), funds appropriated or otherwise available to an agency may not be used for the procurement of any flag of the United States, unless such flag has been 100 percent manufactured in the United States from articles, materials, or supplies that have been grown or 100 percent produced or manufactured in the United States."

Before this measure, federal agencies were only required to buy flags made with 50% American materials but those days are likely over.

No More Foreign Flags

Senator Collins's office issued a statement detailing "10 million American flags including 50,000 from China” in 2017.

Annually, federal agencies were importing thousands of flags with thousands of them coming from China. The optics of having foreign nations manufacture Old Glory for use at official events and military bases was an issue that was long overdue for a change.

Collins said, "The American flag serves as a symbol of our identity, resolve, and values as one people. To honor its significance, the federal government should only use flags entirely manufactured in the United States."

She further added that this legislation would "ensure that the symbol of our nation is preserved while supporting American jobs and manufacturers."

The issue of foreign-made American flags is a microcosm of the greater issue affecting the nation. Much of our manufacturing and production industry has been outsourced for decades leading to lost jobs and declining quality of life for thousands of Americans.

Economic Change

America needs to return to the industrial and manufacturing powerhouse that it once was. For decades, American manufacturing supplied the world and more importantly, kept Americans working in well-paying and fulfilling jobs.

Now entire swaths of the country have been decimated thanks to globalist outsourcing at the expense of the American worker.

Requiring American flags to be made in the USA is just one step to fighting back against the tide of outsourcing that has hollowed out the American heartland.

There's much more to be done and former President Donald Trump could play a huge role in returning American manufacturing should he win the presidential election this November.

October 2, 2024
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