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Pro-life Ballot Measure Changed by Judge

Liberals and Democrats are determined to give any credence to the idea that an unborn child is anything but a living being until it is actually born.

Case in point, an Arizona judge struck down some of the language in a recent abortion ballot measure.

The judge removed the language “unborn human being” from the measure.

Not a Human

Judge Christopher Whitten thought the language mentioned above was too inflammatory.

He then suggested that more “neutral” language be used in the ballot measure.

He did so after the pro-abortion group protested over the wording, stating, “Arizona voters have a right to clear, accurate, and impartial information from the state before they are asked to vote on ballot initiatives.

“The decision of the Arizona Legislative Council fails to abide by that responsibility by rejecting the request to use the neutral, medical term ‘fetus’ in place of ‘unborn human being’ in the 2024 General Election Publicity Pamphlet.”

The proposal would expand abortion access from 15 to 24 weeks.

The new measure was the result of a petition campaign by pro-abortion groups, including the ACLU of Arizona and Planned Parenthood of Arizona.

If the measure passes, it would establish abortion as a protected right in the state constitution.

In addition, abortion would be permitted up to 40 weeks if certain exceptions were met, such as “the life or physical or mental health of the pregnant individual.”

Notice that language was very vague, unlike other exceptions we have, more specifically in the case of rape, incest, or life-threatening situation for the mother.

In other words, that way that exception is worded, the mother could have an abortion up to 40 weeks for practically any reason, well past what most would consider to be a reasonable time limit for abortion.

I still believe we can get legislation done on this front, just not with the current class of Congress.

Most members of Congress now want extremes, and an all-or-nothing attitude will not get the job done.

October 2, 2024
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