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APA Endorses Gallego Over Lake in Senate Race

Kari Lake is a problem for the Republican Party and it is a problem that does not appear as if it will go away anytime soon.

Lake is a big supporter of Trump, but there are even MAGA people who do not support her, and the people of Arizona clearly do not like her.

Yet, she keeps running, and Trump keeps endorsing her, and she keeps losing.

Tired of Losing

I may be one of the few people who never bought into Kari Lake’s act, and I have been calling her out as a danger to the Republican Party since she ran for governor.

She has gone over the top to win the support of Trump, and that just does not work in Arizona, a traditionally moderate state.

Any moderate Republican would have won the governor’s election, but Lake lost to a woman who refused to debate and hid in her basement.

I don’t know what Trump was thinking when he backed her for the Senate race, and again, I called him out over this as soon as he did it.

If Lake could not win her last election, what made anyone think that she would win this election?

Now, she is facing off against Ruben Gallego, who just got the support of the Arizona Police Association (APA), which has also endorsed Trump. That is how bad of a candidate Kari Lake is.

This was more than likely the last nail in Lake's coffin, as she is and has been trailing Gallego in polling by a wide margin.

In endorsing Gallego, the APA stated, "Congressman Gallego has continually fought for robust, increased funding for America's Law Enforcement, and specifically Arizona Law enforcement.”

The APA also acknowledged that Gallego helped the APA land $168 billion in "direct support of police officers so that they have the personnel and equipment needed."

Gallego responded to the endorsement, "I am proud to have the APA’s support and look forward to working with them in the Senate to ensure Arizona’s law enforcement officers have the resources necessary to combat fentanyl trafficking, train the next generation of officers, and, above all, keep Arizona families safe.”

This is a seat that the GOP should have won, but now we are once again sitting back with the Democrats holding two seats in moderate Arizona.

I know MAGA loves Lake, but she is a horrible candidate for this state and she should have been talked into sitting on the sidelines.

If we are not able to take back the Senate, this is the race we need to look at and blame for it.

October 2, 2024
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