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Biden Racked Up 48 Years of Vacation in 4 Years as President

Joe Biden is far from the hardest-working man in the country.

A recent study was done looking at how much time Joe has spent out of the office at the beach and at his rich friends’ homes, and it is not very flattering.

If the reports are accurate, Biden has taken 48 years of vacations during his four years in office.

Vacation Joe

I saw a stat the other day that knocked me out of my chair, that being that Biden had been out of the White House 75% of the time since he announced he was not running for office.

I am sure that was the inspiration behind this latest investigation that tracked down just how much time Biden has taken away from the White House.

Of the 1,326 days that Biden has been in office when the study was completed, Biden was away from the White House on vacation or a long weekend 532 days.

If you do the quick math, that is about 40% of his time in office.

The average American gets about two weeks of vacation time every year. So if you run those numbers, it would be nearly five decades before you or I could run off that many days at the beach.

Mark Paoletta, the general counsel of the White House budget office under former President Donald Trump, hit the nail on the head, stating, “The image of Biden fast asleep and lying flat on his back in his chair at the beach while America and the world is on fire will define the Biden presidency.

“Inflation has been out of control; prices still way too high; our border overrun with millions of illegal aliens committing violent crimes on our citizens; the world in a perilous state; and all Biden wants to do is go on vacation and check out — for more than 530 days.”

Biden recently spent nearly three weeks on vacation after making his appearance at the DNC.

He backed Harris, gave a speech, went to California for a week, then went back to Delaware for a week’s vacation after taking a vacation.

Donald Trump used to get blasted for going to his clubs every weekend to play golf, only Trump was accessible to the media and was clearly working after he sunk his last putt on 18.

But if we assume that Trump was lollygagging around, he was gone about 26% of the time.

Barack Obama was out of the office for about 11% of his presidency, but again, Obama was accessible when he was out the White House.

Biden, on the other hand, goes into lockdown mode, holding no pressers, and the media cannot get anywhere near him unless they stalk him just off the trail where he rides his bike.

Of course, the White House makes up its own narrative on this, with spokesman Andrew Bates stating, “It’s not a surprise that the same geniuses who attack President Biden for petting hero dogs and liking ice cream can’t count, but he has taken fewer vacation days than the modern average for presidents and works hard every day, wherever he is.”

They say it, so it must be true. Bon Jour.

October 2, 2024
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