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REPORT: Trump Allies Becoming Increasingly Worried about Laura Loomer Ties

I have never hidden my opinion of Laura Loomer.

I think she is out of her mind, yet Donald Trump allowed this woman into his inner circle, even allowing her to travel on his personal plane with him, and he is about to pay a dear price for it.

So much so, in fact, it is now being reported that some of Trump’s closest allies are worried that Loomer could cost Trump to key battleground states.

Get Rid of Her

Loomer loves to make outrageous claims hoping they will come true.

For instance, one of her most recent conspiracies was that Joe Biden was terminally ill and that he would be dying soon, which clearly did not happen.

Then Loomer went off on a racist rant against Kamala Harris, and the panic button was rung.

Trump tried to distance himself from Loomer at that point, saying she was not a paid staffer and he has no control over her, but the statement fell way short of completely disavowing her, and I believe that is because Trum knows if he does that, she will turn on him.

When Trump was asked about her racist rant, he responded, “I don’t control Laura. Laura — she’s a, she’s a free spirit. Well, I don’t know. I mean, look, I can’t tell Laura what to do.”

Two battleground states that Trump is expected to win, that he needs to win, are Georgia and North Carolina, but those closest to Trump now worry that Loomer could cost Trump those two states.

One ally spoke with NBC News and stated, “She has to go. Laura Loomer cannot stay. She just can’t. She is unapologetic

“This woman attacked the vice president of the United States in such a racist manner. It was appalling and she hasn’t apologized.”

Allies in both states have reportedly talked to Trump about this, warning him, “If you don’t fix this, it will be a problem.”

As an example of the problems it is creating, the Georgia Chapter of the American Hindu Coalition posted, “President Trump and his dedicated allies — such as Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene — have worked tirelessly to build a future where every American can thrive … recent statements that attempt to divide our community along racial or ethnic lines, specifically those made by Ms. Laura Loomer, are completely unacceptable and do not reflect the values of this movement or the America we seek to build.”

Why is this such a worry? Well, both of these states are a coinflip at this point, and Georgia has a 1.5% Indian population while North Carolina has a 1.1%, ranking them first and third respectively in this country.

That is enough to swing these states in favor of Harris, so Trump needs to say more than he just cannot control Loomer.

He needs to disavow any contact with her, openly criticize her for her racist comments, and make it clear she is not part of his campaign, and her comments, in no way, reflect on how he personally feels.

One ally had an idea of what Trump should say, stating, “I think he needs to go further. She needs to be completely removed.

“I will not tolerate it and I just cannot tolerate her comments, I don’t want her anywhere near us at all. This is not who we are as a party.”

I completely agree.

My friends know how I feel about this woman, and I have made it quite clear here… she has no place in this party or Trump’s campaign, and Trump needs to make that crystal clear.

October 2, 2024
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