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Senator Cotton Infuriated by CNN Host on IVF Legislation

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) showed a bit of a different side of himself during a recent interview.

Cotton was on CNN to talk about the IVF legislation that failed to get through the Senate.

CNN was making it sound as though Republicans were against IVF, but that is far from the case.

Just Tell the Truth

One of the things I despise about our political system is how bombs get hidden in legislation that the side presenting knows the other side will reject, then they portray that rejection as rejecting the main issue instead of the smaller issue that caused the negative reaction to the legislation.

Case in point… every Republican in the Senate is on record supporting IVF and vowing to protect the procedure.

They all signed a letter presented by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) when Cruz presented his IVF legislation.

At hand here is how the insurance companies are going to be held liable and what restrictions there would be on coverage.

If the government makes it mandatory that insurance companies cover all extremely expensive IVF procedures, rates will go up considerably.

CNN’s leftist anchor Kaitlan Collins, who defends just about all things Democrat, went after Cotton for voting to block the legislation.

When she tried to cut him off when he was explaining himself, he had none of it…

Cotton goes on to explain that Schumer’s bill would also include experimental and other controversial treatments that Republicans do not support.

Schumer vowed to put the legislation on the floor again this weekend to ensure that every Republican in the Senate is on record on this issue, only IVF is not actually the issue.

I have always liked Cotton. I have had personal interactions with him, and he went to bat for a veteran friend of mine when I lived in Arkansas when our state Senators and Representatives, as well as our local Congressman, refused to help.

I have to say, I like seeing this side of him in the media and would love to see more of this to expose the truth about this “show vote” legislation that Dems are passing for political gain heading into the election.

October 2, 2024
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