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AOC Calls on Mayor Eric Adams to Resign

This week, a bombshell dropped on the Eric Adams administration in New York City.

For months, the feds have been raiding the homes of his associates, but Adams has always maintained they were not coming after him.

However, this week, a sealed indictment was dropped, and now some very high-profile New York Democrats are calling on Adams to resign.

Guilty or Target

The speculation here is that Adams was taking donations from a foreign government (Turkey).

Those donations allowed him to pump up his campaign totals, which then enabled him to take advantage of the matching funds program. In essence, he committed fraud.

Five charges were dropped against Adams, and he has already professed his innocence and intent to fight the case.

Before the charges were announced, Adams had stated, “If I am charged, I am innocent and I will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit.”

He also stated that he believes this entire case started in motion because he was pushed back against Biden’s immigration policies.

We should note the very same thing happened to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), who also pushed back against Biden’s border policies.

None of that registered with Adams’ critics, all of whom went after him like a rabid dog, starting with Scott Stringer, the former New York City comptroller and 2021 mayoral candidate.

Stringer stated, “The mayor needs to resign for the good of the city. His legal fight is not our fight

“While the mayor focuses on proving his innocence, the rest of us need to focus on the business of the city — building affordable housing, educating our kids, and keeping this city safe.”

AOC also lit him up, posting, "I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City.

"The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration. For the good of the city, he should resign."

Adams quickly responded to the calls for his resignation, stating, “For anyone who self-righteously claims people charged with serious crimes should not be in jail to now say that the second Black mayor of New York should resign because of rumors and innuendo — without even a single charge being filed — is the height of hypocrisy.

"I am leading this city to protect it from exactly that kind of phony politics. The people of this city elected me to fight for them, and I will stay and fight no matter what.”

I have no idea if Adams is guilty or innocent, but I can tell you this… if the DOJ comes away empty, Biden and Harris are going to come under some serious fire for having gone after someone who was openly pushing back against their policies.

Now, I believe most politicians are dirty to some degree, and if you dig deep enough, you will probably find foreign money in most of their campaigns.

It is just rather odd that the two Democrats who were most vocal were actually investigated for this.

October 2, 2024
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