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REPORT: Biden and Obama Undermine Harris at Kennedy Service

There are a lot of reports that the shot callers in the Democrat Party are becoming increasingly worried about Kamala Harris’ chances against Donald Trump.  

That worry seemed to be confirmed after an analysis was done regarding a conversation between Joe Biden and Barack Obama at the memorial service for Ethel Kennedy. 

Harris Falling Back 

It is no secret that Harris is falling back in polling, especially in key battleground states. Harris entered the race with a huge lead against Trump, but that lead has been slowly getting pulled back to the point that Trump is now threatening Harris’ national lead. Even in the polls where Harris has traditionally polled better, she is only holding about two points on Trump.  

While there are obviously different paths for Harris to get to 270, the easiest path for Harris would be to take the Blue Wall states. On that front, she and Trump are now dead even in Michigan.  

In Pennsylvania over those four polls, Harris and Trump trade leads, with two polls having them tied. In Wisconsin, over the last four polls, Trump has a one-point lead in three, and Harris has a one-point lead in the other.  

Lipreading Obama and Biden 

During the recent memorial service for Ethel Kennedy, Barack Obama and Joe Biden were seen having a very tense conversation. The initial thoughts were that Biden was giving Obama an earful for having forced him out of the election. Then lipreaders went in and analyzed the conversation, and it was from that if they were accurate.  

Numerous reports surfaced that the topic of discussion was Kamala Harris and her campaign. Biden reportedly stated that Harris was “not as strong as me,” and Obama apparently agreed. Obama also hinted that they both needed to spend more time with Harris on the campaign trail to help boost her polling numbers.  

Jeremy Freeman, a London-based forensic lip reader, analyzed the video for the New York Post. Freeman was born deaf, but he has turned his handicap into a profession, serving as an expert witness for journalists, police, and litigants.  

Always Concern 

People are finally starting to talk about the Democrat Party, and the overall feeling is that they were never really happy with Harris as the choice. But, as we all know, she did not earn this nomination. I also believe the GOP should have challenged the nomination constitutionally since Biden dropped out for no other reason than he was polling poorly.  

To that point, some Democrats are now upset that Harris was gifted the nomination before anyone else had a chance to throw their hat into the race. One source stated, “From the outset, there has been widespread concern that Harris was not a strong alternative to Biden, who clearly was a sinking ship. So much so [that] multiple House members floated the idea of an open convention or removing Harris from the ticket along with Biden.” 

I have stated from the outset there were ways for the Dems to put her in place that would not create so much pushback on the nomination. Had Biden stepped down, she would have been the incumbent. Had the Dems used the 25th Amendment, she would have been the incumbent. Instead, Biden left and within 48 hours, the electors had decided that Harris was the nominee. Not a single person voted for her or had a say in who the nominee was. She was selected by the Party in one of the most undemocratic moves I have ever seen during an election in this country. 

October 18, 2024
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