REPORT: Dems starting to turn on new DNC vice chair David Hogg
Gun activist David Hogg has been the golden boy in terms of liberal activists, and he recently took the natural evolution of running for office.
Hogg ran for and won the election for vice chair of DNC, but he is not off to a good start.
Hogg Announces Run
Hogg clearly has bigger plans in the future, but this a great way for him to get a presence within the party. When he announced his run, he claimed it was to bring younger voters back to the party.
He stated, "I think this role is a great way of, for one, bringing newer voices into the Democratic Party.
"I just want to be one of several of those voices to help represent young people and also, more than anything, make sure that we're standing up to the consulting class that increasingly the Democratic Party is representing instead of the working class."
Hogg even criticized the party for not telling voters what they needed to hear but rather what they wanted to hear.
Hogg Wins
The need for new leadership within the party was evident after the 2024 election, so seeing Hogg pounce on this opportunity and win was not a surprise.
Hogg secured 214.5 votes, joining Pennsylvania state Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta and Artie Blanco of Nevada as the new vice chairs of the DNC.
While addressing the DNC Black Caucus in the leadup for the election, Hogg had stated, “I’m one of the youngest people ever to run for this role. We need to make sure that we’re supporting our young people. That’s just what I’ve done.”
Then, during his victory speech, he again addressed the need to draw in younger voters, stating, “Let’s go win our young people back, and let’s stop sending just our thoughts and prayers to address gun violence and do something.”
Dems Turning on Hogg
The love affair for Hogg did not last long, and it was after Hogg’s real motivations appeared to have been revealed.
Hogg makes $100,000 salary from his PAC, Leaders We Deserve, and guess what data he was using to drive donors to that PAC? A New York Post report revealed that he had sent a message out to a DNC database, stating, "David Hogg here: I was just elected DNC Vice Chair! This is a huge win for our movement to make the Democratic Party more reflective of our base: youthful, energetic, and ready to win.” The message included a link to Leaders We Deserve.
One Democrat responded, "David Hogg – talk about living up to your name. A trough of DNC dollars all for him and he doesn’t seem to give an oink.”
Technically, what he is doing is not breaking any laws, but the optics on this are awful, and some pretty powerful Democrats are taking notice. Between the DNC and his PAC, he is pulling down $200k a year, but he would clearly prefer the donor dollars to go to his PAC where he has full say in how that money is spent, perhaps supporting a run for office by Hogg in the near future. It turns out Hogg is just another fraud, looking to line his coffers. Is anyone really surprised?