Conservative News Journal was founded by Shaun Connell and Gerald McConway. This publication was founded to provide Americans with the truth, something we rarely see in today’s mainstream media.
The publication is obviously conservative in nature, but our mission is to provide our readers with the truth to expose our government, all of government, regardless of party affiliation, when they are not properly representing, We the People.
For decades, the mainstream media has been moving more and more toward the left, to the point many now consider it to be state-run media, just another arm of the Democrat Party. Since the start of the 2016 presidential election cycle, that swing has become a hard turn, purposely spinning stories, claiming to have debunked truthful reports that were damaging to Democrats when its sole responsibility is to report the truth about the government to American citizens.
The people of this country, regardless of political affiliation, need an independent, reliable source of information, and above all else, that is our primary goal.
Conservative News Journal is a project of the American Digest Media company. The company was founded and entirely funded by Shaun Connell. We have no other outside funding. We are entirely independent.