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Another Walz Lie About His Service Surfaces

If you give 24 years of service to this country, it is something you should be proud of.

Regardless of your role, that kind of devotion to the country is nothing to be ashamed of—that is unless you lie about what you did and why you did it.

Sadly, that is what Governor Tim Walz has done and continues to do about his National Guard Service.

The Latest Lie

Walz lies in a very interesting way.

He makes inferences and tricks people into thinking he did something or was somewhere when that was not the case.

For instance, during one speech, Walz was telling a story about a National Guard deployment. He quickly segued into being on the tarmac of Bagram, which led many people to believe he had been deployed to Afghanistan.

That was not the case, however, as Walz was in Afghanistan on a House tour, not while serving in the National Guard.

This latest lie, however, was a bit more direct, like Walz telling everyone he retired as a Command Sergeant Major when he actually retired as a Sergeant Major.

Walz stated that he could have retired the week of 9/11, but the events that day inspired him to re-enlist.

Walz stated, “It was — the notice as I said came in early 2003, I think many of us after September 11 — my 20 years was actually, ironically enough, up that week of September 11, 2001, of the time that I had off and made up, so I re-enlisted, like I think the vast majority of people did.

“A real sense of uncertainty of what was going to — but a real sense of wanting to do something. I think many of us in those early days — that sense of Afghanistan and the Taliban and where that, you know, that attack came from. [Emphasis added].”

The Guard confirmed that Walz’s 20-year retirement date was actually August 3, 2002, nearly a year after the attacks.

A group of GOP veterans called him out for lying again, penning a letter, stating, “You have stated that you are ‘damn proud’ of your service, and like any American veteran, you should be. But there is no honor in lying about the nature of your service.”

“…You have violated the trust of our brothers and sisters in arms. Their blood, sweat, and sacrifice are the only reason our nation is able to exist. Until you admit you lied to them, there is no way you can be trusted to serve as Vice President.”

The man is addicted to lying, and even after getting caught, he plays the victim, but he is the one committing the offense.

This man cannot be trusted, and there is no way we can allow him to be one step away from the Oval Office.

October 2, 2024
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