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Biden Confirms Pressure from Dems Led to Dropout

Over the weekend, a new interview with Joe Biden aired and it is setting the political world on fire.

Biden confirmed that he had no intention of dropping out of the race.

It was pressure from Democrats and their concern for down-ballot elections that forced him to leave the race.

Get Out, Joe

Joe Biden did not want to drop out of the race, and honestly, he should not have had to.

In my opinion, what Democrats did to remove him from the race and replace him should be challenged in court.

As I had stated in another report, had the Dems used the 25th Amendment to remove him or had Biden stepped down from office, I would have zero issues with Harris running.

But never in the history of our country has a candidate dropped out of the race after the primary due to polling results and been replaced with a hand-picked candidate by the party.

And that is exactly what happened here.

Biden confirmed this, stating, "A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races.

“And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic, you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say -why did - and I thought it’d be a real distraction.”

Biden went on to say that his internal polling showed that he was even with Trump, but I don’t believe that.

If that were the case, I think Biden would have put up a stronger front. He knew he was going to lose and he wound up caving to the Democrat demands so he would not be embarrassed in November.

The powers that be in the party likely pressured him, possibly even threatened him with the 25th Amendment, and there was no way Jill would ever allow him to be embarrassed like that, so he withdrew.

If that were not the case, Biden would still be buddies with former House Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) and Senator Schumer (D-N.Y.), but as far as we know, Biden has not spoken to either of them since dropping out.

I can tell you this… if I were running the RNC, the Dems would be tied up in court right now explaining to the Supreme Court why they removed the American voter from the election process in the primary race.

October 2, 2024
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