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Biden-Harris administration freed gang leader wanted for 23 murders

Thanks to Joe Biden and his successor as Democratic Party standard-bearer Vice President Kamala Harris, one of Peru’s most wanted men was allowed to walk freely into the United States.

Gianfranco Torres-Navarro is the head of one of the most brutal gangs in Peru, responsible for nearly 25 murders.

That’s only counting his KNOWN murders.

Colonel Franco Moreno from Peru’s High Complexity Crime Investigations Division released a statement the Associated Press sharing disturbing details of Torres-Navarro.

“He is a highly dangerous criminal who believed he was untouchable and responsible for 23 murders, including other gang leaders who ended up dead along with their families, all in order to increase his criminal leadership,” said Moreno.

Back in May of 2024, Torres-Navarro was stopped by Border Patrol and given a Notice to Appear before an immigration judge before being LET LOOSE in the United States.

This is what Biden and Harris's leadership and policies look like -- vicious killers set free in our country in a pathetic attempt to secure the votes of the radical left.

After nearly THREE MONTHS, Torres-Navarro was arrested in New York.

Who knows what he did during his cross-country road trip!!

At the end of the day, this cannot continue.

The news is filled with stories of Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants.

There truly is a crisis at the border.

How many more murderers need to be set loose in this country before the left wakes up and realizes what the Biden administration has done?

This country cannot afford four years of HARRIS who will without a doubt lean heavily into the policies she has crafted alongside President Joe Biden.

We need someone in the White House who takes our nation’s security seriously.

The Biden administration needs to be held accountable for what it has allowed to occur at our borders.

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source here.

October 2, 2024
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