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Biden Reverses Ban on Weapons Sales to Saudi Arabia

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so Joe Biden’s morals are going out the window.

When Biden first took office, he acted as though he was outraged by Saudi Arabia’s alleged role in the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

This was to draw a line between himself and Trump, who had maintained a friendly relationship with the Arab nation, but that has all changed now.

Change of Heart

Biden had boycotted selling arms to Saudi Arabia, saying that the Saudis would “pay a price” for the “pariah they are.”

That cost Biden dearly when he needed help with oil.

Biden met with Saudi leadership, practically begging them to increase oil production, and instead, they tightened it up.

With signs pointing to more economic problems as we head into the election, Biden is now lifting the self-imposed arms boycott and has agreed to a major arms deal, likely to get the oil flowing again to help Dems win the election.

The Wall Street Journal reported, “The deliveries will include 3,000 Small Diameter Bombs and 7,500 Paveway IV bombs, which have been on hold since President Biden halted the shipments in 2021 over Saudi Arabia’s punishing war in Yemen.”

This change of heart by Biden has not convinced all Democrats that Saudi Arabia has changed its ways.

For instance, Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) stated, “I supported the Biden administration’s initial decision to pause offensive arms sales to Saudi Arabia, and I hope to see compelling evidence that Saudi Arabia has changed its conduct.”

This just goes to once again prove my point about power and the Democrat Party.

For all his posturing, Joe Biden has caved simply to improve the election status of Kamala Harris to help her win this election.

Human rights violations clearly mean more in an off year than they do in an election year.

When an election is at stake, everything else gets put on the back burner until they can secure another term.

October 2, 2024
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