CNN dismayed over support for Trump deportation plans
When Donald Trump ran for office, he was quite clear about his immigration plans, and the American people overwhelmingly supported him.
Even though the media did its best to villainize the plan, Trump won, and now the media appears to be shocked the American people are supporting this plan.
The media attacks
As election day approached, the media and Democrats were in attack mode against Trump and his plan to deport illegals out of the country.
For example, CBS News ran a story focusing on the costs of the program without thoroughly examining how much this would save the country as we move forward.
The report was titled, “Trump's mass deportation plan for undocumented immigrants could cost billions a year,” but they really did not dive into the most critical aspects of the plan.
For instance, how much did it cost for the deportations during the Obama administration, who deported more illegals than any recent president? What about the deportations done by the Biden administration? How about how much money would be saved on benefits and entitlement programs once all these illegals were gone?
The Numbers Don’t Lie
By mid-March, I think we would have a really good idea of how the American people feel about the direction of the Trump administration, right?
Well, Trump’s overall approval rating dipped just a bit, but that is to be expected as most presidents have their highest approval rating right after taking office.
While Trump also had a dip in the economy, again to be expected with the tariff wars and Trump’s overpromising, Trump was doing outstanding on immigration, sitting at 59% approval on deportations, with 58% giving the thumbs up on getting the military involved.
Overall, on immigration, the nation still supported his plan, as Trump has a 51% overall approving rating on immigration.
CNN Stressing
On Friday, a CNN panel discussion melted down over the fact that people still support Trump’s plan, while also whining about the information they have regarding the people being deported.
PBS News Hour White House correspondent Laura Barrón-López stated, “I think that obviously the president has kind of blanketed the airwaves with saying that all of these people deported are criminals. And given the fact that we reporters like Priscilla or I, we have very limited information to who exactly has been deported, the government has not handed over names.
“I know CBS got a hold of a list of names, but that hasn’t been provided to those who are asking for who was actually deported. And there is a difference between someone who came into the country illegally versus someone who overstayed their visa. That’s not a crime versus someone who has no criminal record, no criminal history.”
Make no mistake about it, this is where the media is going to attack Trump, hoping to find reports about him deporting illegals who have been in this country for years. But again, they seemingly forget that regardless of how long they have been here, if they are undocumented, they broke the law to cross the border, and they should be treated like criminals. Just because you have evaded police for years does not make that initial crime go away… something everyone on the left seems to forget.