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Dem strategist says 'racist' narrative by party must stop

Democratic strategist James Carville finally figured out that his party is racist.

I have been saying this for years, long before I ever started writing about politics, but now key party members are finally realizing that the narratives they are pitching are not actually complimentary to our minority communities.

It Needs to Stop

Democrats have always pandered to minorities, and they continue to do it today, but that is not the worst of it. What is even more disturbing is that they lump these minority groups into singular categories, as if they all want the same things.

Democrats like to use minority groups as excuses for their policies. For example, they say voter ID laws are oppressing all blacks because they are unable to get to the DMV to obtain a license or state ID. It's insulting, and I have never quite understood why minority groups don't push back on this, but it could very well be because minority members of Congress are also pushing these narratives.

To that point, James Carville, a high-profile Democrat strategist, stated, “I just want to make a disappointed observation. I think these people, the most racist thing that I hear is when people say ‘communities of color’ or ‘people of color’ because that assumes that everybody that is not white is the same, which is that, like, it’s horribly, a horribly — I think it’s racist to say, ‘Well, Filipinos are the same as Hondurans, are the same as Nigerians, are the same as Indonesians’ is absurd. And they just keep using this language and I think they’re too naive to know how stupid it is. That’s my own view.”

Keep in mind, Carville was one of the people pushing these narratives for many years, so he was part of the problem. At least now he is starting to get it, but it could be far too late for Democrats to fix the damage here.

Joe Biden Part of the Problem

Joe Biden has long been part of the problem on this front, having said more racist comments about minority groups than I can even remember, and he continued to do it during his presidential campaign and administration.

Does everyone remember Biden being on The Breakfast Club with Charlamagne Tha God, telling black people they ain't black if they can't tell the difference between Biden and Trump? How about once referring to minority children as cockroaches?

More recently, Biden regularly used the term "LatinX, yet only 3% of the Latino community in this country accepts that term as an identifier.

I can also remember Biden going off on a black reporter who had asked Biden about taking a cognitive test, responding, “That’s like saying you . . . before you got in this program, you’re take [sic] a test whether you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?” Can you imagine the media response if Donald Trump or JD Vance went after a black reporter with this line of attack?

How Dare You!

There is another aspect of racism in the Democrat Party that has never been addressed, and it is one of the main reasons that I was hoping Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) would have been on the ticket or given a prominent role in the Trump administration.

When minorities are in the GOP or discuss doing something against the norm of the Democrat Party, the hate speech starts right away, and I wanted this to be shown on a national scale so the media would have no choice but to address it.

Look at how the Dems reacted to Scott when he was running and when he supported Trump. Scott once played messages he had received for his fellow Republicans, calling him “Uncle Tim,” a play on words for the insult, "Uncle Tom," also calling him a “sellout” and “the lowest piece of sh*t this country ever produced.”

I was stunned at how members of the media and prominent black community leaders, such as Al Sharpton, slammed Scott, calling him a prop for Trump, a race traitor, etc. Scott regularly receives death threats, and it is all for one reason... he is a black conservative who refuses to cave to the Democrat Party. And they hate him for him... actual and very real hate. So, yeah, it's about time that Carville realized his party is racist.

February 19, 2025
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