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DeSantis has a plan to deal with ‘rogue’ judges

As we all know, Trump is getting hammered by liberal judges right now, but Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says he knows how to fix the problem.

Just as I have suggested, DeSantis is calling on Congress to fix the problem.

Staggering Numbers

The numbers don’t lie here, but we have to put some context into all of this.

Trump had more than 70 executive orders issued during his first 45 days or so in office, with nearly all of them being challenged.

Since Trump has returned to office, he has faced about 120 lawsuits from activists and government employees, and he has seen many of these orders hit with injunctions.

Of the injunctions that have been ordered, 92.2% of them have been placed by Democrat-appointed judges, which is why everyone is so upset, but we still have to take into context that a considerable number of Trump’s orders are questionable, at best, with orders such as closing the Department of Education being clearly unconstitutional. When you add in the fact that many of these suits are being filed in jurisdictions dominated by liberal judges, this was very predictable.

DeSantis Has the Solution

I have never hidden the fact that I am a DeSantis supporter, so I was not surprised at all to see that he and I were on the same page on this.

Everyone wants Justice Roberts to do something, but it is simply not his place. We have a House and Senate Judiciary Committee to take action, and that is where DeSantis is pointing.

The Florida Governor stated, "Congress has the authority to strip jurisdiction of the federal courts to decide these cases in the first place. The sabotaging of President Trump’s agenda by ‘resistance’ judges was predictable — why no jurisdiction-stripping bills tee'd up at the onset of this Congress?"

With Republicans not having the numbers in the Senate, figure out a way to address this issue and include it in the upcoming reconciliation bill that will be presented in the coming weeks.

Roberts Addresses Calls for Impeachment

I also wanted to give a few seconds for Chief Justice Roberts here because of all the heat he is taking over this.

When Trump called for one of the judges to be impeached, a call that has been replicated by many conservatives, Roberts spoke up, stating, “For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose."

Nobody likes the process, but that is what the appellate courts are for. It is not Roberts’ place to discipline lower court judges. We have a system, and it takes forever, but that system can be changed by Congress.

I have suggested either an independent review of all presidential orders or possibly streamlining them to the Supreme Court to stop wasting all this time and money in the lower courts when they are going to go before the Supreme Court anyway. In regard to “activist” judges, which there clearly are, that is why these committees should keep track of the judgments and order a judicial review when appropriate. This problem can be solved, but it won’t be by Roberts. That falls on Congress, and more specifically, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

March 20, 2025
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