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Elizabeth Warren says "Supreme Court is 'actively undermining democracy'"

Elizabeth Warren is on one of her ridiculous rants again.

No, this time it's not about her Native American heritage despite being less than 1% Indian.

This time, Elizabeth Warren is on a crusade against the way America has picked Supreme Court justices since the day of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

If you've noticed that liberals have had a serious problem with the Supreme Court lately, it's because the Supreme Court currently leans conservative.

I'd be willing to bet my bottom dollar that if liberals currently controlled the Supreme Court, there wouldn't be any talk from them about throwing out the current batch of justices or completely rewriting the way the Supreme Court works to suit their needs.

They're too short-sighted to understand that eventually, liberals could have the edge in the Supreme Court. Instead, they would probably just suggest changing the rules again if power ever shifted back to their side.

As of now though, Elizabeth Warren isn't having it.

According to her and Joe Biden, if the Supreme Court isn't going to dance for America's liberal elite, then they need to go.

"Yeah, well, I think we’ve got all the Democrats who are ready for meaningful ethics reform to bind the Supreme Court and we’re working on changes to the Supreme Court. It can be term limits, it could be adding the number of justices things we can do without having to have a constitutional amendment. I think what President Biden is doing is think about this moment, here is a man who’s been a transformative president. He’s gotten an enormous amount done and yet he has stepped away and he has passed the torch to Kamala Harris. Why has he done that? He’s done it as an act of patriotism for our nation. And he is saying, we not only have to have a president who is here for the nation and who will heal us and bring us together. We also have to change our Supreme Court," Warren stated.

I bet she does want to change the current Supreme Court, as she's used to getting her way all of the time.

"We also have to change our Supreme Court because right now we have a Supreme Court that has basically jumped the guard rails and is out there giving power to the president, saying that the president can commit any act that the president wants, saying that Congress cannot authorize agencies to act. So we’ve got a Supreme Court that is actively undermining our democracy. I think what Joe Biden will do over the next six months is he’s going to keep drawing that to the attention of the American people and reminding them when they vote in November, the Supreme Court is on the ballot, and that is a good reason to vote for Kamala Harris, to vote for Democrats in both the Senate and the House," Elizabeth Warren concluded.

You can see in Warren's post about her Native American heritage, she's fully ready to use a Democratic House to get her way. When it comes to letting a conservative Supreme Court do their job though?

Elizabeth Warren does NOT like that!

If you would like to learn more about the facts of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

October 2, 2024
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