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Federal judge blocks Biden Title IX overhaul in 6 more states.

While President Joe Biden might have stepped out of his 2024 presidential campaign, but he's still up to his old tricks in the White House.

According to a recent report by Campus Reform, the Biden administration’s recent overhaul of Title IX rules has caused a bit of a kerfuffle.

The report indicates that the rule change was blocked by a ruling from a federal judge in six more states.

The Order

According to Higher Ed Dive, a former President Bill Clinton nominee for U.S. District Judge, Rodney Sippel, might have saved the day.

The judge's ruling prevented the new Title IX regulations from taking effect in South Dakota, Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, and North Dakota.

The lawsuit that was filed against the Department of Education has a "fair chance" of being successful, according to the order that Sippel handed down on Wednesday.

”Gender identity” was added to the list of protections in the overhauled Title IX rules. Title IX prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating against sex.

The Law

Under the Biden rule change, if a transgender person is not permitted to use a restroom that corresponds with their gender identity, then there is a possibility that Title IX will be violated.

In the event that an individual is not referred to by the pronoun that they prefer, senior administration officials have informed ABC News that this might constitute yet another violation.

With the decision that was issued on Wednesday, the newly revised Title IX regulations are prevented from going into effect in twenty-one states in total.

Lawmaker Response

When asked about the decision, Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin stated that it was a victory for women and girls.

“Today’s ruling is a victory for women and girls in Arkansas and across the nation as yet again a federal court has stopped the Biden-Harris administration from going around Congress to implement a ridiculous, nonsensical, and illegal election-year move,” Griffin said.

October 2, 2024
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