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Former Agent Assigned to Clinton Detail Outlines Golf Course Protection for Trump

Danny Coulson knows a thing or two about protecting high-profile subjects on golf courses.

Coulson is not only the former FBI Assistant Director, but he was also the head of security for the PGA.

Since our Secret Service does not seem to be able to protect Trump on his golf course, Coulson offered up his two cents on how he would do it.

Protecting the Boss

The interview started off with Coulson being asked to justify the course not being fully swept because it was an “unplanned” trip for Trump.

He responded, “I think that's ridiculous.

“Let's start with threat. What is the threat? Donald Trump is a very vulnerable, very much threatened individual. He killed [Qasem] Soleimani. People want to kill him, so you have to look at what the threat is, and then you secure it, regardless of ‘off the record,’ on the record, or whatever he says.

“This ridiculous. They're playing word games, and it's kind of embarrassing.”

Because of his experience as an FBI agent and the PGA security boss, the Secret Service will often consult with Coulson for protection, but that clearly did not happen here.

When asked about protecting high-value targets, he stated, “So we set up all security. We have the cops the right places. We would be sure that we posted areas that should be posted, secure wooded areas, high ground. I'd have rope.

“You basically have a rolling security perimeter, and that little package goes with you wherever it goes.”

One of the more notable people protected by Coulson during his time was then-President Bill Clinton who played golf during a trip to Bogota, Columbia.

If you can keep an American president safe in Columbia, you can pretty much keep them safe anywhere.

Coulson did say that the Secret Service did save Trump’s life in both instances, but he also called both shooters “totally incompetent fools.”

As I have noted before, in that first attempt, the coverage was so bad that had there been a second shooter, Trump would be dead right now.

Having said that, the shot never should have been able to be taken, and clearly, in the second attempt, the shooter never should have been able to camp out at Trump’s course for 12 hours lying in wait.

The Secret Service clearly needs to make some leadership changes, so maybe they should pick up the phone and call Coulson.

October 2, 2024
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