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GOP Members Accuse Harris of Misappropriation of Funds

With Kamala Harris now the presumptive Democrat nominee for president, the GOP has gone into attack mode.

That has begun with some very serious allegations being made by U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.), Ranking Member of the Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, and Senator Pete Ricketts (R-NE).

Capito and Ricketts believe that Harris and the Biden administration have been allowing the EPA to fund radical groups via the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

Hidden Agenda

The problem with omnibus legislation is and always has been the little earmarks that are buried in the bills.

Members of Congress have already admitted they often do not have time to read through the entire piece of legislation before voting on it, so they often have no clue what is really in the bill itself.

That brings us to the massive IRA funding, which cost taxpayers nearly $1 trillion.

It turns out that some of the money from that funding has been funneled to groups that are anti-American, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic.

In part, Capito stated, “We’ve really been digging into who is getting these massive amounts of grants through the EPA. There's $3 billion in the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRA, that will go for different climate buckets.

“And in our investigation, we found that a lot of this money that’s going out really has little to do with the environment and a lot to do with funding groups that are basically engaged in what I characterize as anti-American activities.

“They’re anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-police, and anti-border security.”

Ricketts added, “When you're giving money to organizations like the Climate Justice Alliance, and they are funding the march on Washington and they are waving the Free Palestinian flags and so forth, we're paying them to lobby our government.

“Everyday Nebraskans don't think that's a good idea that our tax dollars should go to radical organizations to lobby our own government. That's just crazy.

“And you're talking about the NDN collective and the things they want to do like abolishing the military, abolishing the police, abolishing Customs and Border Protection, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

“Everyday Americans think those organizations are important organizations. And we want to keep them to keep us safe. This is really, really radical stuff that they're promoting.”

Some of the groups named in their report are the Climate Justice Alliance, the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice, the NDN Collective, and the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.

When this legislation was passed, I had stated it was nothing more than climate change legislation in disguise, but now we are finding out it was far more than just that.

This is again why I will continue to press for single-issue legislation, as that is the only way Congress will no longer be able to pull the wool over our eyes.

To those who say such an approach is unrealistic, I would point to all the breaks, travel, books, TV appearances, and statement legislation that is passed during every term.

Perhaps if members of Congress concentrated on doing their jobs and spending less time trying to be celebrities, they may actually be able to get something accomplished.

October 2, 2024
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