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Harris’ Office Selected Migrant Who Attacked Woman, Gets Worse…

It is time to start digging into Kamala Harris’ record, and we found a doozy.

When Harris was first starting out as a DA in San Francisco, a job she got thanks to Willie Brown, arguably one of the most corrupt politicians in the history of San Francisco, in my opinion, Harris had selected an illegal immigrant for a jobs program.

That man later brutally attacked a woman, but that is not the worst of it.

Just a Pimple

Harris’ office selected Alexander Izaguirre to participate in a program for illegal immigrants who had been arrested on drug charges.

The program offered them job training as a way to have their criminal records expunged.

The program was called the “Back on Track” program.

Izaguirre, while in the program and after having been arrested twice, stole the purse of a woman in San Francisco, then got into an SUV and attempted to run her over.

The woman reportedly wound up on the hood of the car, and Izaguirre slammed on the brakes, sending her into the road and fracturing her skull.

When Harris was asked about the attack by Izaguirre, she responded, “The immigration issue, as it relates to the Izaguirre case, obviously is a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.

“I don’t mean to trivialize it, nor do I mean to cover it up.”

A “pimple?” A woman needlessly almost lost her life in an attack against someone who should have never been permitted to stay in this country.

Harris, however, has always supported the idea of being a sanctuary city, telling the media in 2006, “We are a sanctuary city, a city of refuge, and we always will be.”

This is Joe Biden on steroids, my friends, and we must beat her in November, which will not be easy since she has the corrupt Democrat machine working full speed for her right now.

October 2, 2024
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