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House Panel Sends Warning to Consulting Group That Employs Trump Judge's Daughter

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan sent a final warning letter Friday to the lawyer of Michael Nellis, the CEO of a political consulting firm for which the daughter of New York Judge Juan Merchan works.

The Judiciary Committee is investigating Nellis firm after it refused to comply with the panel regarding any potential cooperation between Nellis’s firm and those trying to prosecute former President Donald Trump. 

The committee is interested in Judge Merchan's daughter, Loren Merchan, who is employed by Nellis, whose firm represents prominent Democrats such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Schiff was one of the chief architects behind the lawfare and investigations against Trump, and the connection between him and Judge Merchan, who is overseeing Trump's hush-money case, is a massive red flag.

Democrats want Trump behind bars, and Judge Merchan arguably has a financial interest in Trump's prosecution, as his daughter is effectively on the payroll of multiple Democrats who want to take down the former president.

Conflict of Interest

The political consulting firm for which Loren Merchan works received $9 million from Democrat campaigns, including $2 million from the Biden-Harris campaign in 2020, according to Jordan.

Millions of dollars are going towards Ms. Merchan who just happens to be the daughter of the judge overseeing a case that many legal experts have called a political witchhunt against Trump.

In August, Jordan called on Nellis to sit down for a deposition and also sign a sworn affidavit saying that the firm has had no communication with Judge Merchan.

All Nellis had to do was go on record and testify that there was no communication between his firm and Judge Merchan. However, Nellis responded to that request by refusing to attend a deposition and claiming the investigation was “absurd and completely false.”

In essence, Nellis's refusal to go on record that his firm and Judge Merchan have never communicated suggests to some that there has indeed been communication, and Nellis isn't willing to perjure himself in front of Congress.

However, Jordan and the Judiciary Committee have not given up and are threatening Nellis with contempt of Congress should he refuse their demands. Nellis should revisit what happened to Peter Navarro before he considers refusing that subpoena.

Trump Conviction Failing

Trump's conviction in the case was already considered shaky at best, only succeeding because of a liberal jury and a judge who may have a financial conflict of interest when it comes to the former president.

Now that Trump has appealed his case to a higher court, rumors are circulating that the appeals panel is skeptical of Trump's conviction and could overturn the verdict.

Should Trump's conviction be overturned by an appeals court, it will only make it more likely in the eyes of some that there was a conflict of interest all along, and Democrats used Merchan's daughter to funnel millions in his direction in order to secure the outcome they desired..

October 2, 2024
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