Journalist Finally Admits Biden Staffers Shutting Down Interviews
How long have the media and Biden worked together to ensure the proper narrative was being reported about Joe?
Finally, journalists are coming clean about interviews being cut short and the questions that were off-limits for Biden.
Stop Right There
Before we get to the meat of this report, let’s go back to July when a report surfaced about a local attorney in Nevada who wanted to ask Harris about Joe Biden during a campaign event.
Stephen Stubbs, a First Amendment attorney from Henderson, Nevada, had been invited to the event, which took place right after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate. Stubbs stated, "Everybody was talking about the debate the night before. Everybody was. And everybody was concerned. There were a few people that were vocal and saying, we have to move forward with what we have, so let's not talk negatively. But 90% of the people were critical of Joe Biden and [were] very, very worried.”
Stubbs then stated that he was talking to a New York Times reporter when a campaign staffer tried to shut him down. He explained, "I'm concerned about who's running the country right now. And I said, from what I saw last night, Biden should step down and Kamala Harris [who] was elected the vice president, that is her job, she should fulfill the rest of his term. And when I said that, the staffer said, I'm going to stop this right now. This is a Biden event. I'm sorry, but I'm going to stop this. She tried to stop it.
"Now, to the New York Times’ credit, they turned to her and said, no. I'm continuing with this interview, but the whole time she was giving me, like, daggers. Just daggers. Like, how dare you talk negatively about Biden to the New York Times."
Cutting Back Access
After that event, a report surfaced on The Heritage Foundation of hard press passes being revoked from the media.
The report claimed that roughly 30% of the hard passes had been pulled back without any real explanation. Of course, the assumption was that the White House was trying to limit negative exposure to Biden.
White House reporter Fred Lucas explained, “We’ve never had one branch of government say ‘You have to be credentialed to cover another branch of government, in order to have credentials here.’ So the White House is really the first to do that. My big concern here is that these rules are probably a first step, because I think the big, big problem here is that this is not about one news outlet or one reporter or any even group of reporters.
“This is about you don’t want to have the president or president’s White House staff, whether it’s Republican or Democrat, choosing and picking which reporters can and can’t cover them. And I think that can have probably a chilling effect of reporters who do have the hard passes feel like, ‘Well, I could be removed from here, if I ask too tough of questions.’ Then that’s going to really undermine the watchdog role of a press.”
MSNBC Finally Comes Clean
As it turns out, this has been going on for some time, but the media has just been mum on the subject. To that point, we can go back to a May 5, 2023, interview with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle and Joe Biden.
Ruhle explained how Biden’s staffers cut her off as soon as she hit him with a “reasonable” question about Hunter Biden. She stated, “In the way of traditional media, the White House runs the show. When I interviewed President Biden, they gave me 10 minutes, okay? A politician can knock out one answer in 15 minutes.
“And, 20 minutes before we went in, Savannah Guthrie and I were on the phone, of course she interviewed President Trump, and her advice to me was ‘the person you’re interviewing isn’t the person you’re up against, it’s the clock.’ You’re getting three questions in, tops … At minute nine-and-a-half, I asked the president ‘your son Hunter might be indicted by the Department of Justice, how will this impact your presidency?'”
She went on to say that after that interview, “NBC was in the box and in trouble forever” with the White House. This is exactly why many outlets refused to get down and dirty with Biden. If they did, they would never get another interview, a press pass, or be able to ask Biden a question again. Not exactly an administration offering the transparency that was promised when Joe Biden was elected.