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More Pro-life Activists Sentenced in Tennessee

The attack against pro-life activists continues in Joe Biden and Merrick Garland’s DOJ.

Yet again, pro-life activists have been sentenced via the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Dennis Green, Coleman Boyd, and Calvin Zastrow all learned their fate this week.

The Assault Against Pro-life

I know I am not alone in thinking that it seems like we see a lot more conservative protesters being put on trial than leftist protesters during this administration.

When we go back to the protests for George Floyd, our streets were literally set on fire and it seemed as though the DOJ was just giving everyone a pass.

We have also seen pro-life counseling centers vandalized with very little interest in finding the culprits and bringing them to justice.

Have some conservatives stand outside an abortion clinic, well, that gets the immediate attention of the DOJ.

To that point, Dennis Green, Coleman Boyd, and Calvin Zastrow all received their sentences for having protested outside an abortion clinic in Tennessee in 2021.

Green was given three years of supervised release.

Boyd was given five years probation.

Zastrow, who was allegedly one of the organizers of the event, is being sent to jail for six months, followed by three years of supervised release.

Judge Aleta Trauger also issued Boyd a $10,000 fine because she stated that he could afford it.

Kind of a different way to dispense “justice,” don’t you think?

The attorney for Paul Vaugn, another protester, seemed okay with the sentences since the judge appeared to be rather lenient compared to previous sentences.

Attorney Steve Crampton stated, “We are pleased the judge has shown leniency to Paul at today’s sentencing hearing, and I know Paul is incredibly thankful to be able to celebrate Independence Day with his family. But it remains the case that his conviction is a deep injustice.”

I understand the law is the law, but all we have ever asked is that the law be applied evenly to all cases.

When you look at how protesters on the left and right have been treated, the scales of justice are clearly tilted to the left.

October 2, 2024
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