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Opposition Candidate Ordered Arrested in Venezuela

We all know how those Democrats love their socialists, but we are seeing just how horribly those governments operate.

In Venezuela, a former opposition candidate in the presidential election, Edmundo Gonzalez, has had a warrant issued for his arrest.

The arrest was ordered by a Venezuelan judge over the controversy of who actually won the latest election.


This is what happens when the wrong party wins an election in a socialist country.

According to reports from our government, Gonzalez was actually the winner of the presidential election.

After the election was completed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that Gonzalez was the winner, claiming it was “documented by the democratic opposition’s extensive efforts to ensure a transparent accounting of the votes.”

Nicolas Maduro, however, said otherwise, even though the United States says there is ample evidence that Gonzalez was the winner of the election.

Gonzalez was ordered arrested as part of a criminal investigation into the outcome of this summer’s election (sounds familiar?).

After Maduro was declared the winner, protests erupted throughout the country.

Opposition leader Maria Corina Machado stated, “Maduro has lost all touch with reality. The arrest warrant issued by the regime to threaten President-Elect Edmundo Gonzalez crosses a new line that only strengthens the resolve of our movement.”

After the election, both Machado and Gonzalez went into hiding fearing this exact outcome.

The arrest of Gonzalez was also ordered only hours after the United States confiscated a private plane via a Trump-era sanction.

The plane was allegedly purchased for Maduro via a shell company, then smuggled out of the country.

It will be interesting to see if Biden decides to stick his nose further in this election now that the arrest of Gonzalez has been ordered.

This country is clearly corrupt, but I am just not sure Biden wants to stir another foreign pot this close to the presidential election, especially since Harris has started to slide backward in polling.

October 2, 2024
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