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Rep. Steny Hoyer Suffers Stroke Over Weekend

We have an age problem in Congress, and it is rearing its ugly head again.

Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who was one of 12 members of the House who were older than 80 when this session started, suffered a stroke over the weekend.

It is just a hard reminder that we need to figure out something to get new blood into Congress.

He’ll Be Okay

Hoyer is expected to fully recover from the stroke and return to his office over the next week or so, but I have to ask why.

Hoyer had held that seat since 1981, surely not what our Framers and Founders expected when they declared our independence from the Crown.

Yet, at the age of 85, Hoyer planned on running for re-election, stating, "I believe I have more work to complete on behalf of my district, my state, and my country.

“I am blessed to have the good health, strength, and enduring passion necessary to continue serving my constituents at this decisive moment for Maryland and America."

After the report surfaced about his stroke, his deputy chief of staff, stated, "Mr. Hoyer has responded well to treatment and has no lingering symptoms. He expects to resume his normal schedule next week.

"Mr. Hoyer’s wife and family extend their deepest thanks to his medical team."

Let me run some numbers by you guys…

At the start of this session of Congress, 51 members of the Senate were past retirement age, and nearly 140 members of the House were over retirement age.

How are all these members supposed to relate to the majority of voters?

We need new blood in Congress, and this is not elderly hate or shaming, it is about removing people who have been in office for decades that are stuck in their old ways.

They cannot relate nor understand what new generations want or need, yet these are the people running the show.

For them, it is about power and nothing more, and we need to take that away from them and put people into office who actually care about the people they represent, not the money they can make because they are members of Congress.

October 2, 2024
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