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RNC asks Supreme Court to revive AZ voter registration law

America's Republican National Committee has officially sent a request to the Supreme Court, and many conservatives feel that the request must be granted if we want to be at all confident in the results of our presidential election in 2024.

The RNC is asking "the Supreme Court to take emergency action to revive an Arizona law requiring voter registration applicants show proof of citizenship when using a state form," according to The Hill.

Most Americans would think it completely reasonable that you would have to prove that you're a citizen of a country in order to vote in its elections.

American citizens do not have any influence over the government in China or Mexico, so why should citizens of those countries have a say in how our government is run?

They shouldn't, but liberals in this country are working extremely hard to give them that right.


Because America's Democrats are hoping and praying that the type of people who can't prove they are an American citizen at the voting booths are the same type of people who will vote for Democrats.

Turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, copious government handouts, and soft-on-crime laws are all attempts by liberals to cater to the millions of illegal immigrants who reside in America.

Instead of keeping America's border intact and protecting the people of Arizona by only allowing legal immigration into their state, liberals would simply rather let illegal immigrants flow in and then cast a vote for Democrats.

Sure, just because these people are from a different country does NOT mean that they're any less important than you or me.

However, if they want to have a say in how the government is run, they should be doing that in whichever country of which they are a citizen.

If these people deserved to vote in America, then it shouldn't be a problem for them to take a legal path to citizenship.

In case you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the original source here.

October 2, 2024
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