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Texas residents near border disaster fear future attack akin to 9/11

If you don't live in an area impacted by the surge of migrants coming across our border during the Biden-Harris administration, then you have NO IDEA what the people of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and southern California are going through.

One Texas rancher at the center of this epidemic is predicting we're going to see "something similar to 9/11" in the near future.

You can't have THOUSANDS of undocumented immigrants entering this country without there being serious consequences at some point.

Fox News recently went out and interviewed some of the people in Texas who are most impacted by the immigrant crossings.

A man named Van from Del Rio, Texas, said that he sees these crossings happen on a daily basis, but law enforcement is either too powerless or lazy to do anything about it:

"I see them crossing right past the sheriff and the Border patrol cells." It's a "daily occurrence."

Del Rio resident Diane says that she has to carry a gun with her to feel safe because of her proximity to the Rio Grande, saying that everyone in the area "is more cautious."

"You have to make sure all your doors, everything's locked up, because you never know," she said. "I've had smugglers throw three guys out right by my dumpster in the middle of the afternoon. He chunked them out. They rolled and took off running."

Paul Henrich was the one who suggested that America's next great disaster like 9/11 might happen near the border because of lax immigration policies:

Personally, I think that we're going to see something similar to a 9/11 at some point in the future. Biden opened the door, folks.

It may seem like Paul Henrich is being a bit dramatic, but you really can't overestimate the damage that liberal immigration policies are doing to America's border towns unless you live there yourself.

The illegal immigrants are human beings as well. They don't want to be facing death and destruction, so who knows what they might be capable of as our border towns absorb more and more of them?

Maybe we see some sort of conflict, or some sort of disaster caused by overcrowding or food shortages. You might not think the disaster will be anything as significant as 9/11 was, but the people near the border do.

To learn more about the details of this story, please follow the source link here.

October 2, 2024
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