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Trump Michigan Lead Soars to 7 Points Before Biden Withdrawal

Joe Biden had been adamant that he was not going to cave and would continue to run his campaign.

Then, over the weekend, Joe announced that he was dropping out of the race.

There were two reasons this was taking place, one being that he just found out he was getting buried in a key battleground state.

Time to Go

To be clear, the move made by Democrats to pressure Biden out of the race is utterly despicable.

And this is not because I feel that Joe Biden is capable of running another term.

I now believe this entire charade was planned, with the Dems running a test campaign with Biden to see who would fare best, then forced Biden out, replacing him with the most likely ticket to beat him.

All the while, they have now taken the vote out of the hands of the American people.

To my above point, a new poll by the Detroit Free Press came out this weekend, showing Biden down by a whopping seven points in Michigan.

Michigan, as I am sure you already know, is part of the Blue Wall that Democrats must have to win a general election, and Joe Biden is losing the three battleground states in that mix, the other two being Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

So, here is the kicker…

PA Governor Shapiro is rumored to be atop Kamala’s wish list for VP, which would likely turn PA, which Trump is currently winning, to blue.

He is also expected to impact Michigan, which could turn that state blue as well.

That would leave only Wisconsin, where Biden was only trailing Trump by a little more than two points.

So, my friends, because of the games that Democrats played, they just turned a landslide win by Trump back into a coin toss.

They are cheating, make no mistake about that, but the media despises Trump so much they will not even think about reporting that angle.

October 2, 2024
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