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Trump Tries to Correct Media Distortion of Comments in Dr. Phil Interview

I will be the first person to admit two things about Donald Trump.

First, he loves to stretch the truth. Second, he never gets a fair shake from the media other than Fox News.

To that second point, Trump recently sat down with Dr. Phil to clear up the worst of the media distortions about comments that he has made.

Just Report the Truth

To give you an example of how bad things are, let’s go back to Trump’s comments about treating COVID, where the media and Democrats twisted Trump’s words to say that Trump suggested injecting bleach, a lie the media and Dems continue to say today.

Trump tried to clear up some of the most recent twists by the media, especially the comment about him being a dictator from day one.

That comment grew wings after Trump, in July, while attending a Turning Point Action event, stated, "You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.

"You’ve got to get out and vote. In four years, you don’t have to vote again, we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote."

Trump was stressing the importance of this particular election, not saying there would never be another election, but that is the direction the media and Democrats went. Trump tried to clear this up while speaking to Dr. Phil.

Trump: I said to the Christians, we’ve gotta win this election. If we win this election, I’ll straighten everything out in less than 4 years by a lot. Then you don’t have to, it doesn’t matter. In other words, I’m saying you don’t have to vote- it doesn’t mean we’re not gonna have elections! You’re gonna have elections, but you have to vote this time, because we have to win. This is the most important election in the history of our country.

Dr. Phil: So you didn’t mean, ‘Vote me in once, because I ain’t ever leaving.' You’re meaning, ‘This is an important one, vote this time?’

Trump: Of course that’s what I meant. And I said it, and everybody knows I said it that way, and everybody agrees that I said it in that way.

Trump also directly addressed the dictator comment, telling Dr. Phil, "And I said jokingly on Sean Hannity, he’s a great guy, I said ‘No, Sean, I wanna be a dictator for one day because I’m gonna get going with Drill, Baby, Drill and I’m gonna strengthen the borders to a level like you’ve never seen, I only wanna-be, and after that, I’ll never be a dictator.’"

Trump added, "And I said ‘one day,’ because I wanna do the energy and I wanna strengthen the border, one day, and it was said with a chuckle, the audience laughed, I laughed, we all laughed.

"But they take it and they cut it, and then they cut it, and it says ‘I wanna be a dictator.’ These are very dishonest people that we’re dealing with. Very dishonest people. Bad people."

Just remember the standard for today’s media…

Everything Trump says is literal and broken down word by word. However, if there is an issue with a lie from a Democrat, such as Tim Walz, he only “misspoke.”

State-run media… and I will continue to say that until the media becomes honest, which we all know will never happen in this political environment.

October 2, 2024
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