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Would-be Assassin’s Classmates Tell All

As is usually the case when there is a mass shooting, the media runs around trying to find friends, co-workers, or former classmates to try to get some insight into the shooter.

The same is now being done with Trump’s would-be assassin.

There were definitely some interesting comments that I would think would have had people a bit more on edge when they realized this kid had gone missing on the same day as Trump’s rally.

Telling All

Mark Sigafoos gave the comment that always seems to come after some lunatic shoots up site, calling him “very kind.” Well, obviously, he was not kind since he just shot four people, killing one.

He continued, “He was a nerdy kid, but I don’t think he was as harshly bullied as some people are saying. … No one that I know said they ever found him to be a creepy, loner kind of guy.”

Former classmate Max R. Smith stated, “He definitely was conservative.

“That’s still the picture I have of him. Just standing alone on one side while the rest of the class was on the other.”

I am not sure Smith knows what the meaning of conservative is, especially since we know the shooter donated to a liberal cause.

Jameson Myers, who graduated in 2022 with the gunman, stated, “When I did speak with him, he just seemed like a normal boy who was not particularly popular but never got picked on or anything.”

But this is the interview that I found most telling…

That paints a slightly different picture than these other kids were saying, and it also goes along more with the social media posts that were made by the shooter prior to him trying to assassinate Trump.

For now, we all are waiting for the FBI to report its findings, if it ever does. Something tells me a coverup is underway.

October 2, 2024
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