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Youngkin Changes Virginia to Paper Ballots for 2024 Election

The jockeying for the 2024 election has begun.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has decided that for the 2024 election, Virginia will use paper ballots.

This will make Trump supporters very happy, as the level of distrust for computers in elections right now is through the roof.

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I have stated this plenty of times already, but I just don’t understand how with all the technology we have in this country, how we cannot figure out how to get election incorruptible.

The answer, of course, is simple… because they don’t want them to be incorruptible.

The secondary option is to make the elections as simple as possible, but that means going back in time to paper ballots, which are hand-filled, then counted by officials, and cannot be changed with programming.

In making the announcement, Youngkin stated, “The Virginia model for Election Security works. This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue.

“Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines. In Virginia, we don’t play games and our model for election security is working.”

State officials also announced that Virginia has cleaned up its voter rolls, removing nearly 80,000 deceased individuals from state voter rolls.

Youngkin went on to explain, “We use 100 percent paper ballots with a strict chain of custody. We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet. We do not mass mail ballots.

“We monitor our drop boxes 24/7. We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters, but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it, like the deceased, individuals that have moved, and non-citizens that have accidentally or maliciously attempted to register.”

Trump, of course, applauded the move by Youngkin, posting, “The beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia, superbly led by Governor Glenn Youngkin, IS TAKING A STRONG LEAD IN SECURING THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER — PROTECTING EVERY LEGAL VOTE AND KEEPING ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT HAVE BEEN LET INTO OUR COUNTRY FROM VOTING.

“All votes will be on paper ballots and counted safely and fairly, not by machines connected to the internet — A big security risk. We must work hard to make sure the Election is FAIR and SECURE!!! EVERY STATE SHOULD FOLLOW VIRGINIA’S LEAD. We need volunteers to watch the polls – So important.”

Virginia is one of a handful of battleground states that will dictate the outcome of this election, but most of the other states are run by Democrats, so do not expect similar measures to be taken there.

October 2, 2024
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